Monday, December 3, 2007

The scene of the crime...

The time - 9:10 PM, Monday, Dec. 3

The place - College Library

Scenario -

So, I have a project due tomorrow for my genetics course. Groups of three have to come up with a murder scenario complete with five pieces of evidence, one of which must be DNA evidence.

I'll be the first to admit that waiting until the night before to start preparing a 15 minute presentation is not the best idea. But, in my defense, I have to add that I had a huge genetics lab report due today, Wednesday I have a Herpetology test and a genetics book report due, and Friday both a calculus and genetics test. When did I have time?

Anyway, so here we are trying to create our perfect murder and, honestly, I've given up. My long time buddy from home and our new Moroccan friend are both ready to beat each other while overcoming language barriers. I've decided to stay out of it. Tempers are high right now and if things don't cool down soon, we may end up with a real crime on our hands...

....Damn it, they're asking me for advice now....